Thursday, December 18, 2008


Leah had her class party Tuesday. I went in to help. The kids had a great time and got to make lots of crafts. The teacher gave them clear glass plates and paint markers and let them create a keepsake Christmas plate. All the kids did a great job painting their plates. They worked on them sooo hard. Leah did a nice snowflake. When she brought it home, I wanted to rinse it in the sink and put it away for safe keeping to use at Christmas. Guess what!?!!? The paint washed off!!! Yes, completely off-just slipped right off in a matter of seconds. I was mortified, but Leah handled it okay (probably because I promised I would go buy the paint markers and let her do it again). Turns out that was a $30 mistake. Paint markers are quite pricey! Anyway, with a set of markers of her own, she was able to redo her plate. Now Allison wants a plate to paint too. It is never ending around here.

Leah works on her original version of a snowflake. Just like a real snowflake, Leah's painted snowflake melted away. The second version of the plate has rainbow colored snowflake. I think I liked the white snowflake better, but it is her plate.

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