Friday, November 20, 2009

Another Day.....Another Field Trip

I am glad to have this week behind us. It was fun, but busy, and I am tired. If you remember from the last post, Rachel had a field trip on Monday. Tuesday Rachel and I had our bimonthly trek to Orlando for speech. Rachel was not in a good mood that afternoon and was not very compliant with the therapist, but the therapist gave us some new words to work on at home. Thursday, Allison had a field trip. Her class went to a nearby education center. They learned all about the water cycle and discussed the sea grass in the nearby lagoon. They had to play investigators and try to solve the mystery of the disappearing sea grass. Below are some pictures of Allison's trip, including the required souvenirs (thank goodness for spell check, now if I just had grammer check!).

Today Rachel's class had a Thankful Feast. I had no idea what that was supposed to be and did not have time to eat before I went. The teacher had put together a cute slide show of all the kids. We ate lunch with the kids and parents in the classroom and watched the slide show. It was a nice little visit. After the feast I HAD to go to the grocery store, and I was really glad I didn't have to go hungry. I was very thankful that the teacher really meant "feast." I spend enough money at the grocery store anyway. I can just count on an extra $15 on the tab if I go hungry and the $15 is never spent on healthy food either!

1 comment:

  1. We did the trip to the Indian River Lagoon last year and it was pretty nasty. Muck up to our knees. Looks like yours went much better.
