Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back To The Grind

Wow! I wish we were still on vacation. Yesterday, I dropped the kids off at school and about an hour later, went back and checked Leah out for a dentist appointment. By the time I got Leah to the dentist and back to school, it was nearly time to pick up Rachel from school. The rest of the day was a blur of washing clothes and stuff from the camping tip.

Today, Rachel had a dentist appointment. That meant that I took everyone to school, went back an hour later and picked up Rachel, took her to the dentist, took her back to school, ran home and ate lunch, then went back and picked her up.....whew! From school, she and I headed over to Orlando for ST. Debra Beckman, the SLP, is supposed to be really good, so I am hoping that these trips to Orlando are going to be worth it (I am also hoping that insurance is going to cover it; we are still waiting to find that out). Debra says that Rachel is really improving. I am glad to hear that, because I am never sure if I am doing the oral motor exercises right. Fortunately, it was raining this evening, so soccer practice was canceled, yay! That allowed me to get some things done around the house.

Tomorrow I am supposed to volunteer at school. I hope the teacher does not have lots for me to do, because I have lots to do around here. Friday, I have a dentist appointment. I am not sure how three of us got on the same six month schedule, but for that one week of appointments, it gets old going to the dentist office almost every day! I am sure they get tired of seeing me too! Fortunately, everyone has gotten had a good check up this week-no cavities, thank goodness.

Here it is 11:00pm already! Where does the time go? I need to make a habit of getting to bed sooner, but once the girls are in bed, I want to enjoy the quite and always seem to stay up longer than I should.

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